Loose Change 2.25.22: Zdarsky take over
“Loose change” is a weekly newsletter that definitely won't keep you up to date with anything, but does let me give you my thoughts and opinions on the latest of comic news
Student teaching is honestly very stressful, but in a way that feels great. That responsibility you have for your students and for yourself. Trying to keep yourself accountable, and making sure your students are doing everything they can - while you do everything you can. It’s a team effort through and through, and I think that’s one of the most important things I’ve come to understand during these past 2 weeks.
Because of that, however, it’s all an adjustment period. I don’t know why I thought it'd be a good idea to try to keep up with a weekly newsletter. What an idiot I am. But honestly, it’s sort of fun to just type out whatever I want in this section, type out some comic related news opinions, and give a song recommendation to everyone. Though, everyone really just means me - but that’s fine. I’m enjoying it. This is for me.
Anyways, I’ve been really behind in my 500 comic challenge. It’s not like I’m NOT reading - I’m just not posting the books I’m reading, so I don’r really have a number to gauge myself on right now. I really just gotta update that list. I should try and do that by the end of the week.
On Saturday (tomorrow) I am going to go see The Rocky Horror Picture Show to support my friend from 1st grade. I’m very excited - I WILL be dressing as slutty as possible, I just need to find someone who can help me do my makeup. That’ll be a weird request to some people but oh well, you only live once. You do what you can do.
On Wednesday, I finished Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg, and honestly while I wasn’t too big of a fan of Howl pt 1-3, I thought the “other poems” section was really solid, and there were a lot of poems that I would LOVE to go back to. Read it to my class if I can find a way to do so. I think poetry like that, that beatnik type era, had a specific vibe in mind when creating, and I would love to recapture that energy and apply it to contemporary living. That’s a goal of mine.
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Let’s get it.
Honestly, it’s been SUCH a slow week these past two weeks in terms of comic book news. There really hasn’t been anything that has caught my attention, announcements here and there for a few things, but nothing too exciting really. So I’ll just try to expand my thoughts on the news I do report.
First on the list is the fact that Batman is getting a new creative team (already). After Williamson leaves the book, we will be graced with a one Chip Zdarsky. Long time readers of Broke Movement will know that I absolutely adore the man, and I think his writing style is so versatile and diverse, and can fit the tone of the book he sets out to make very well.
He will be joined by legendary Batman artist Jorge Jimenez, and sets out to tell a long-term story that will heavily feature Tim Drake. In the last Batman Urban Legends that Tim was in (I believe issue 10? 11?) it said that Tim fans are in for a treat when it comes to 2022, so I am hoping that This is that treat they were promising. I would love for the dynamic duo of Bruce and Tim to make a comeback.
My one problem with Tim is the fact that DC doesn’t let him age like they let the others. Tim is going to perpetually stay 17 as Damian slowly but surely catches up to him, and that’s weird. I want Tim to have his “Red Robin” story, his “Judas Contract” / “Under the Red Hood”, where we see Tim finally come out as his own hero. He’s one of the only Robins to lead a solo series, and have it run for over 100 issues. The man is beeming with narrative potential, and I hope DC sees that.
With Zdarsky in the driver seat, I trust him to be able to tell a compelling story that will be both narratively interesting and satisfying. If he does half as good as he does on Daredevil, I’m all in.
Going to more movie news, it was announced that No Way Home is going to be releasing 80 minutes of extra scenes or bonus features or whatever, and feature 20 minutes of Peter 2 and Peter 3 - Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield respectfully.
As much as I hate the idea of them rereleasing the movie just to sort of show these scenes they deleted, I also Really want to see what was left on the cutting room floor, especially with how packed this movie was.
And, if I am going to be honest with you - the readers, anything with Andrew Garfield in it, I am going to watch. I would do anything for this man. So if you liked No Way Home and just want more of it - this is something for you for sure.
I will be honest and say that I really have no idea what Ant-Man’s deal is, but what I do know is that Al Ewing and Tom Reilly are going to somehow deliver a really fun and exciting 4-issue mini series about the past, present, and future Ant-Man in celebration of his 60s years. I think that’s really cool of them to do.
This design, very slick and minimal, is honestly really cool. Tom Reilly is such a good artist, and I wish DC was able to hold onto him just for a Nightwing story or two, but Tom in Marvel is absolutely crushing it (if you aren’t reading The Thing, I recommend it just for the art alone - the story is a plus).
I really don’t know much about Ant-Man, as he’s always sort of escaped my peripherals, but I think if this is as exciting as they make it seem, I might have to pick up the first issue of the mini series. Who knows, maybe it’ll make an ant-man fan out of me.
For this weeks letter, I am going to share with you guys Laura Jane Grace’s ,of Against Me! fame, Day Old Coffee. One of my favorite songs from her for her solo career. It’s a very simple song, not much in terms of lyrics or chord progressions, but I think the raw energy of it is just so intoxicating and I fuck with it heavy. Something I would jam out to on my way to a party or something.
Maybe I’m weird for that. I don’t know. I like it and would like to share it with you all though.
Give it a listen, jam out, and have fun.
Have some great ideas? Shitty ones? Want me to stop praising Batgirl every week? Let me know by dropping some money in the bank below! I want to talk about all the things that you want to hear about, because while Broke Movement may be mine - it’s all about what YOU guys want to see!
Until next time
Eternally a Broke Movement